Q: How to order?
Q: How do I become a reseller?
Q: What are Bubbletea123's business hours?
Q: Where is Bubbletea123 located?
Q: What is bubble tea?
Q: Where is bubble tea originated? How did it evolve to what it is today?
Q: What is the benefit of drinking green tea?

Q: How to order?

Ordering at Bubbletea123.com is simple. Our 1-877-321-2288 toll-free customer service hot line is active during our regular business hours. Simply choose the products you want to order and pick up the phone. Our friendly staff will be ready to serve you.

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Q: How do I become a reseller?
A: All reseller and distributor inquiries in the US and Canada should call:
  • 1-877-321-2288
  Reseller and distributor inquiries outside the US and Canada should call:
  • 905-415-2812
  or email
  • CustomerService@bubbletea123.com

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Q: What are Bubbletea123's business hours?

Bubbletea123.com is online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, our customer service representatives are only available to serve you from 9:00am to 5:00pm Eastern Time.

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Q: Where is Bubbletea123 located?
A: Bubbletea123.com, the producer and reseller of high quality oriental food products.

We are located at:

110 Denison Street Unit 8
Markham, Ontario
Canada L3R 1B6

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Q: Why choose bubbletea123?

With so many bubble tea suppliers around, why choose Bubbletea123?

Bubbletea123 means quality. We believe that our relentless pursuit of higher quality and customer satisfaction separates us from the rest of the players in the field.

Friendly Customer Service
Our customer representatives are friendly and ready to serve you.

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Q: What is bubble tea?

It is usually served in a clear glass, with many different ways to order it. This popular drink is made from ordinary tea mixed with sugar, milk, possible fruit flavors, and of course, the dark tapioca pearls. It's a great drink anywhere, for anyone, at anytime. Bubble tea is non-alcoholic, and non-carbonated. It contains less sugar than a soft-drink.

In fact, there are many benefits from drinking tea. Tea serves as a fluid balance. It's also healthier than coffee, having 50% less caffeine. It protects cells from turning cancerous, reducing the risks of lung, colon and skin cancer. It also discourages cancer cells from multiplying. Studies also suggest that tea can lower cholesterol level, and blood pressure. It helps keep arteries clear, and reduces the risk of stroke. It is found to prevent cavities and gum diseases by discouraging plaque.

So what are the 'bubbles' in the bubble tea? Some say it's the froth at the top after the shaking of the tea, and some say it's the tapioca pearls at the bottom of the drink. But what's certain is the satisfaction one gets after a glass.

The tapioca at the bottom of the drink is pearl-sized. It is dark in color, and extremely soft and chewy. To get to these chewy treats, a thicker straw is used. A centimeter in diameter, it catches the pearls at the bottom, along with the sweet liquid, creating a sensation for the taste buds. The pearls are made from tapioca starch of the tapioca plant from South America.

This versatile delight can be served hot for winter days or iced for sweltering summer days. Bubble tea can be served with flavors such as lichee, honey, mango, passion fruit, peach, berry, kiwi, and much more. There are so many out there, so be daring, and try one today!

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Where is bubble tea originated?How did it evolve to what it is today?


Bubble Tea?

The name “Bubble Tea” conjures up images of tea mixed with soap. You would then blow air through your straw and hey you get …. Bubbled Tea!

Well, so much for that guess.

Bubble Tea is actually a fairly recent phenomenon with its most recent history being attributed to its Taiwanese inventor Liu Han-Chieh in 1983. But Bubble Tea or known in Chinese as “Pao-Pao Cha” has its roots deeper than that. In fact you can say that the history of Bubble Tea has gone one full circle.

Let’s start with the history of tea itself.

Tea is said to have been discovered in 2737 BC by a legendary Chinese emperor whose hot water pot was accidentally infused with a plant. The emperor found the end product to be soothing and calming to the mind. And from then on, tea enjoyment started and Far East countries like China and Japan have made tea drinking an important part of their culture.

Tea drinking spread to the West and it was said that the French started the practice of adding milk to tea in the late 17th century. Probable reason for adding milk? To cool the tea beverage to avoid cracking the expensive porcelain.

Iced tea may seem obvious to many today but the “invention” was attributed to an American in the early 20th century during a hot day. In order to sell his tea on such a hot day, this entrepreneur added ice. Voila! Iced tea. How brilliant!

Fast forward to 1980s when Mr. Liu mixed heated tapioca starch and caramel to a thick paste. The paste was then run through moist sieves to form black pellets of different sizes. These chewy pellets are what we call tapioca pearls, which are added to iced milk tea. This concoction is then shaken and then served in a cocktail glass. An extra large straw is supplied with the drink for you to suck out the tapioca pearls.

Don’t you think that the Bubble Tea is an international drink that has gone full circle from Asia to the West and back?

The above is article is taken from the about.com web site.

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What is the benefit of drinking green tea?

It has already become a known fact to the public that green tea brings numerous health benefits. There are four primary polyphenols in green tea. They are referred to as catechins. Catechins are powerful antioxidants, and have been shown in numerous studies to fight viruses, slow aging, and have a beneficial effect on health.

Green tea also boosts the immune system because of its high concentrations of polyphenols and flavenoids.

But the fun part of bubble tea isn't the colours or the flavours, it's the 'bubbles'.

Some other notable health benefits of green tea include
- Reduction of high blood pressure
- Lower blood sugar
- Prevent cancer

To improve your health, try to drink at least one cup of green tea every day. It will help you relax and bring you good health.

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